Gillard Pass Fisheries Association has been operating for almost 40 years with a mission to recover salmon stocks in the Stuart Island Area

Stuart Island Salmon Enhancement
Over the last year, Gillard Pass Fisheries Association (GPFA) began an exciting and challenging new chapter. Through the recently formed Bute Inlet Round Table, GPFA is working with the Homalco First Nation, DFO, and other stakeholders interested in the health of Bute Inlet salmon stocks. GPFA’s focus is on Chinook stock assessment and enhancement projects, especially on the Southgate River where the Elliot Creek slide in the fall of 2020 significantly altered salmon habitat with potential consequences for Chinook and other species in the river.
Work also continues on the Phillips River with the 14th year of the Chinook Population Study completed this fall. This data set provides important insights into the status of Phillips River Chinook and how wild salmon populations respond after hatchery supplementation ends.
GPFA’s work to ensure that local salmon populations remain healthy is only possible thanks to the ongoing support of the Stuart Island Community.

Working with local First Nations
Phillips River is in the core territory of the Kwiakah First Nation and is also part of the Phillips Estuary Conservancy, which is co-managed by BC Parks and Kwiakah. The Kwiakah have supported salmon enhancement efforts and Gillard Pass conducts these activities through a partnership agreement with the First Nation. GPFA activities in Bute Inlet are carried out in collaboration with the Homalco First Nation who have established the Bute Inlet Roundtable to bring stakeholders together and to help coordinate salmon recovery efforts.
GPFA has worked together with several First Nations groups, including the A-tlegay Fisheries Society and Malahat First Nation on field work in the Phillips River. GPFA has also worked with Homalco Guardians on activities in Bute Inlet.
Efforts to build better working relationships with local First Nations are a priority.
Check out the video “Stuart Island Salmon Enhancement—Past, Present and Future”
We can’t do it without all of you!
Support for Gillard Pass continues to be strong thanks to the generosity of the individuals and businesses who make up the Stuart Island community. This support has allowed GPFA to continue to be a leading salmon enhancement group on the coast.