Rupert Gale
President & Managing Director

Growing up on Saltspring Island, Rupert has a lifelong connection to the BC coast. While attending the University of Victoria, he took a summer job as a fishing guide at Stuart Island which fed his passion for salmon fishing and turned this into a business providing fishing charter services to various lodges in the Stuart Island area for over 20 years. In 2006, Rupert was given an opportunity to pursue his interest in sustainability when he was hired by the Ritchie Foundation. He now provides strategic advice to the David E. Ritchie family on their philanthropic interests on the subject of salmon sustainability in British Columbia. As part of this role, he serves as president and managing director of the Gillard Pass Fisheries Association.

Rupert has a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from the University of Victoria and attended a graduate program at Simon Fraser University’s School of Resource and Environmental Management. He has served on the board of directors for several salmon focussed organizations, including: Campbell River Salmon Foundation, Living Rivers – Georgia Basin/Vancouver Island, and the Centre for Aquatic Health Sciences.

In his years with GPFA, Rupert has developed extensive field experience conducting biological sampling, data collection, broodstock capture and related activities as well as managing the complex logistics associated with operating remote mainland inlet watersheds.

Tammy Ritchie 

I have lived and worked at Stuart Island as the Manager of “The Barge” for almost 40 years. Our fishing resort was the site of the first GPFA fundraisers up on the tennis court starting  in 1986 and we have grown this little group of volunteers into a dynamic thriving Salmon Enhancement operation. I have been officially on the Board since 2007 and with a passion for fundraising and all things salmon, Gillard Pass is a natural fit. Giving back to your community is the greatest reward.  

Sean Ross 

Sean has been in the Stuart is land area since 2004. Joined the board in 2008 . Currently the President and COO of Sonora Resort Canada.

Doug McCorquodale

Doug is the Founder and Owner of Pacificus Biological Services Ltd. He has worked in the field of Fisheries Biology for over 30 years. The steady growth and distinguished reputation of this dynamic company is a direct result of Doug’s guidance, extensive knowledge, experience, and management. Additionally, Doug is heavily involved in the changes and practical implementation of fisheries related legislation. His extensive practical background and biological expertise makes him an invaluable contributor to roundtable discussions regarding policy implementation.

Martin Buchanan 

I worked in the forest industry for 41 years. 33 with Canfor, 6 with Western Forest Products.

  • Director with CRSF since inception in 2007, was president for 7 years until 2019

  • Director with GPFA since 2007 I think, same year as Rupert

  • Was Co-Chair of Nimpkish Resource Management Board from 2001 to 2006

Harley Hagedorn
Vice President

I am grateful to have the opportunity to work and play in the Stuart island area for over 20 years.
Joined the board in 2015 and current is  the president of HRH properties corp.

Kyle Taylor

Operations Manager-Big Bay Landing. 15th season in the Area as of 2023.

Greg Huska

Has worked in the Stuart island area since 2006. Current Senior manager at inland properties LP.

Paul Brimacombe

We can’t do it without all of you! 

Support for Gillard Pass continues to be strong thanks to the generosity of the individuals and businesses who make up the Stuart Island community. This support has allowed GPFA to continue to be a leading salmon enhancement group on the coast.